Tests and Examples

It is common for projects to provide tests and often also examples. clang-build can automatically generate the binaries and link them. The following descriptions are made on the basis of tests, but the equivalent rules apply to examples.

See also test/tests_examples

Folder structure

It is commonplace for tests to be written per target and positioned in a “test” or “tests” folder inside the target folder. clang-build expects this project structure for automatic detection.

The following structure will automatically build the two examples and three test executables.

├── examples
|   ├── basics.cpp
|   └── advanced.cpp
├── include
|   └── mylib.hpp
└── tests
    ├── interface.cpp
    ├── inner_functions.cpp
    └── combinations.cpp

Additional Configuration

To add manual configuration to your tests, you can add a section to the configuration of your target:

        single_executable = true
        dependencies = ["catch"]

    url = "https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2"
    include_directories_public = ["single_include"]
        sources_exclude = ["*"]
        sources = ["010-TestCase.cpp", "231-Cfg-OutputStreams.cpp"]

Note the new keyword single_executable, which is available for tests but not for examples. This allows the distinctions between tests which should be compiled into one big executable and a single file per test structure.

As with regular targets, test sources can be selected with the sources and sources_exclude keywords.

The corresponding command line arguments (see also the output of clang-build -h) give a user the ability to either compile the tests of the root targets or of all targets.